Tuesday, June 3, 2014

UN Informal Consultation Meeting HLPM/WCIP

My take on the Informal Consultation Meeting at the UN for the outcome of the High Level Plenary Meeting to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
June 2nd, 2014
By: Tai Pelli
The concept of Free, Prior, Informed Consent, has to be applied to the High Level Plenary Meeting (HLPM) to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP). For one, we all know that we have ended up making this long statement of clarification every time we refer to it, because the “World Conference” is not a conference at all, but a High level plenary meeting.

The modalities resolution calls for the full, effective and equal participation of Indigenous Peoples, yet, one would think they were thinking “dance and cultural presentations only”, not actual issues pertinent to Indigenous Peoples, and that is what has created this massive tangling  and knots of chords! It seems that some states (governments) were not prepared to hear Indigenous Peoples speak from an equal position and that has gotten them pretty antsy. Obstacles to full, effective and equal participation have been thrown in over and over, which of course results in decisions that come at the last minute and that impact that same full, effective and equal participation that should be upheld at all times. Really, if the United Nations General Assembly does not uphold the minimum standards addressed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; how in the world are we expecting individual states to follow through with what they choose to call a “moral obligation”, although in reality is based on many international treaties and conventions protected under International Law?

Let’s take Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC). Picture this: NYC, May 28th, 2014. President of the General Assembly calls for an Informal Consultation Meeting on the outcome of the HLPM/WCIP to be held on June 2nd, 2014, less than a week; for those traveling from real faraway places, it is as if they already needed to have the suitcase ready and the plane motor running! For one, internet access is not the same in every country. Some people were expected to respond within less than 24 hours to have their travel arrangements made. This meeting was open to all Indigenous Peoples, etc., the truth is; how could anyone think that there would be a good global turnout in such short notice (especially if self-funded) unless that was the idea! When I was explained the FPIC, it involved “Time”, plenty of time. Something we have not seen here. As a matter of fact, we have not seen much of anything other than a perpetual procrastination of a process that in order for it to be considered wholesome and one that provided for full, effective and equal participation should have been given the proper time in all avenues.

Now we have the HLPM on top of us, and what we see if that their lack of planning HAS become an Emergency for Indigenous Peoples! It should have not been that way, and it is wrong. Today’s Informal Consultation should have definitely been planned with way more than 6 days in advance. To make it worse, the intentions of ending the meeting at midday, did not look good at all. It did not show good faith, although we received an additional 42 minutes in the afternoon, after several Indigenous Leaders spoke up.

It is clear that there is NO Full, effective, equal participation here. Indigenous Peoples from around the Globe need to be very vigilant of this entire process. It is key that the Alta Outcome Document as well as the Lima Declaration of the World Conference of Indigenous Women and those issues presented by IP’s with disabilities, etc. be included in the outcome document. We all know that if they (states) could turn back time and oppose the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and hold off on it , as they did for over 20 years, they would. We cannot compromise any of the steps forward Indigenous Peoples have been able to make with great effort and sacrifice up to this day,  in a meeting called “World Conference” that would last a day and a half!


  1. The UN General Assembly High-level Plenary Meeting 2014: IS NOT A UN CONFERENCE.

    It is a schema of the states which is actively and openly but unrealistically being promoted to be named a CONFERENCE, in the same degrading naming process that we became known as INDIANS, AMERICA, AMERICAN INDIANS, LATIN AMERICA, etc. The HLPM is a semiotic schema (doctrine) being constructed to contextualize the process INDIGENOUS CONSENT inside the Westphalian System of the Divine Right of States in order to domesticate the Universal Human Right in International Law of Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples of the world.

    We are Nations of Mother Earth, and will not consent to be diminished or to be dominated under the regime of the government states of the UN system as mere ethnic groups, or minorities.

