Thursday, April 26, 2012

When Egos are bigger than the Love for our own people

When Egos are bigger than the Love for our own people

Disclaimer: This is strictly my opinion, does not have to me a match with yours, for each of us know “de la pata que cojeamos” (the leg we limp from!).

Throughout the journey of my life, I have had the blessing of having dealt with thousands of people. A bigger blessing has been listening to their utmost personal situations, be it on a personal level or in a professional setting. Now, I understand there was a common denominator present in most of the “problems”; the battle of the egos.

The Ego is something that interferes with and has the ability to cloud any situation and reasoning. Power struggles come as a result of the battle of the Egos. We see it everyday, we hear about it every day and sometimes we find ourselves in a position of just having to let go, for there is no way that one, as an external source, can do anything to make anyone change. That has to come from within.

Currently, we see the 99% vs. the 1%. There are many people who have not been able to take the time to listen to what this is all about. How could they?; when they have to keep their minds occupied trying to figure out how they are going to keep a roof over their heads and how they are going to feed their families! Makes me think of Psychology's Pyramid - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and those concerns happen to be at the bottom of the pyramid, (just one step above from physiological needs!). We, as humans, cannot step up to the next level on the pyramid, unless those needs are consistently met. Yet, here we have a 1% of the population squeezing the 99% mass for their own personal gain, with the power and sense of entitlement and creating the mirage for the 99%, to think or be convinced they are powerless.

The more one learns about self and humanity at a global scope, the more we are to understand that inflated Egos can destroy, annihilate and control the masses. No one likes to feel “controlled”; hence we end up with resistance! The famous phrase used by children for generations comes to mind: “You are not the boss of me!”

Everyone needs to have their feelings validated. Many of the things we see in our society have to do with the lack of validation for others' feelings. People declare wars because of Egos, imposing their beliefs upon others and of course, facing resistance.

The more one works towards taming their Egos, the more effective the communication, the more they will be listened to, where respect for others and their opinions will become that intricate link, even if each party stands by their position. People do not have to agree with you, but when you understand that they don't have to see life through your eyes and when respect is given, the communication becomes effective. That “agree to disagree” in peace, begins to create a domino effect and the doors of communication open widely.

All of us live a different reality. Each day brings forth its own agenda. Therefore, we cannot devalue the experiences of others, for only you know what you feel and what you think, and many times, only you have to try to figure out what to do; remembering that doing nothing is also a choice you are making.

Manipulation is married to Ego. Therefore, you have two elements to be extremely cautious about.

So, what is one to do? The answer is, be true to yourself! The best and most adventurous journey of all is that of self-discovery. Only then, will you be able to become the best of who you truly are!

Tai Pelli

Organ Donation

Organ Donation

It is so paradoxical that 13% of all transplant recipients are of “latino” origin, 65% of those will be kidney recipients, 13.5% of the donors altogether are of “latino” origin. To this day, I see that unless it touches someone really close to one, not many people think of organ donation. Some think that if they are organ donors, the efforts to help them during an emergency would be less. Nope! I am not exaggerating!

When I was in my very early twenties, as a bank teller in Massachusetts, I saw many state identification cards with the little logo in the corner. “Oh! That's nice!” - was as far as I went. Little did I know that eventually I would personally benefit from the fact that someone made the choice to be an organ donor. I needed skin to cover a huge hole in my abdomen when my body rejected three artificial meshes that had been used on me (and they waited to long to remove!). I am eternally grateful to that person that was so unselfish and wanted to make a difference in someone's life. Well, it definitely made a difference in mine!

That was only the beginning of the importance that organ donation would have in my life. When my beautiful and loving godchild became gravely ill with a rare genetic disorder, we prayed and we prayed hard, because we needed a heart and a kidney. As she became weaker, the Specialists concentrated on at least getting a heart; the kidney was not even mentioned.

My Strawberry Princess left us at barely twenty years old. There was not a compatible heart for her, so instead she flew to join our Creator.

I may not be the healthiest chicken in the coup, but I am an organ donor. My skin, the largest organ in the human body, can help many! My Strawberry Princess became a donor herself. Today, because of that, two people can see.

I wanted to write about this subject for some time now, and today is the best day, as “La Prima”, Shihan Candy Warixi Soto, whose origins are from Puerto Real, Cabo Rojo, is making a mother's plea for a Kidney donor for her son, Jason Calderón in New York.

Should you be that person who is willing to donate a kidney or know someone who is, please contact the Montefiore Kidney Transplant Program at 1-877-CURE-KDNY (1-877-287-3536), and tell them you want to donate it for Jason Calderón.

I urge you to share this information with your friends and family and let's all keep Jason in our prayers, as well as that person who will make the choice to donate the kidney.

Tai Pelli

Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day

Earth day

Today has been designated as “Earth Day”. One day out of the little over the 364 days we have in the year. Through my writing and postings on social networks, I attempt to bring to light, some of the issues that are affecting the planet, oceans and its marine life and humanity. (Why? Almost everyone with internet, gets on the social networks!) I don't pretend whatsoever to “SAVE THE PLANET”, for I am one of those that believe the planet saves itself from us!It is about preserving the quality of life we want to lead and leave for our children, grandchildren and generations to come.

Many times we hear about Global Warming, and in reality, we complain about the heat or the extreme cold,, but know not what is in our power to do, or to prevent it from worsening. The Amazons have become a “free for all”, and although there are lands that are supposed to be off-limits, as protected indigenous territory, the truth of the matter is that loggers could care less about the little pathetic signage, and continue to tear down and destroy “the lungs of the planet”. The Belo Monte dam, was approved without any input nor consent from the indigenous people that have lived there for thousands of years. Reality; deals were made for big time money!

In North America we have the EPA's Clean Air Act, BUT....even though it has been proven to be effective, the fossil fuel companies and their puppets in Congress are doing everything in their power to make sure it is not enforced the way it should and the way it would at least allow us to have a sense of normalcy ecologically.

If we do not ACT on the Clean Air Act, by 2050, just 38 years away, 35% of the flora and fauna will be extinct! What effects do you think it will have over other life-sustaining resources?

Individuals have taken it upon themselves to bring this matter to the attention of their local councilmen. By bringing this subject to the table, they are being effective in getting the local governments to write resolutions supporting the Act. It is sad how sometimes, our own local officials are unaware of the importance of matters such as these.

People are disgusted when they go to a park or a beach and find trash, but I have to wonder how many literally choose to pick up some of that trash. I know it can be overwhelming, but one bag is not going to kill you! There are those however, that do the complaining but do not pick up one single can, because “I did not throw it. That is what they pay people for doing!”

Apathy is part of the problem, another part is thinking that one cannot do anything, for after all, one is just one person! Interestingly, one person will not make the planet orbit in the opposite direction, but one person can make a difference, even if it is a little bit at a time. It is important that we look at ourselves as empowered people. We have to choose to eliminate the mirage that has been created before us by those with “power”; yes, a mirage, because the day people reclaim their power, those very few will have very little to say. We are the ones that keep them up there warming up seats and getting big fat checks, for doing not one thing that would benefit the overwhelming majority.

Puerto Rico is dealing with the “bombpipe”, a.k.a. El Gasoducto, another project that was in the cooking for some time and by the time it was announced to the public, multi-million dollar deals had already been made. Promises were made to the people, of huge discounts on the electric bill, when in fact we all know where the earnings will be going (if the people from Puerto Rico allow the bombpipe to be built!). People being displaced. This island that is less than 100 X 35 miles, will be getting a pipe of approximately 94 miles (think of an upside down “L”), when in fact, every time we have seismic movements, even when they are from one corner of the island, it can be felt throughout the entire island!

Most people have been accustomed to think that if they protest, they are engaging in a political party movement, as opposed to an issue that affects the entire population. It is like an invisible gag! Stay quiet and you look prettier! This attitude is what makes people regress, while others take advantage and progress in their objectives. One has the duty and the responsibility to look at the bigger picture.

Yes, it is called Earth Day, but think and think hard; are you doing your part to help it?

Tai Pelli